My name is Antonio Braido ( born in 1979 ) I am italian and I graduated from the University of Padua in Communication Science ( five-year degree ) .
I have worked with important companies and I have developed several projects of informatics and communications .
I am building and developing projects of communication using and applying open source systems. I developed infonordest.it using an open source platform . It is a communication project that seeks to experimental and independent self-financing. In This project i develop: Digital Music, Photos, Video and Creativity Open Source
My experiences in the field of communication are various. If you want see my cv, please go to my Linkendin Page and add me on http://it.linkedin.com/in/antoniobraido
From 31th January 2012 I put online my new project “work in progress” http://www.scienzedellacomunicazione.org ( The index of occupations of graduates in Communication Sciences ) .
To understand the philosophy of this project , you can go to the link: http://www.scienzedellacomunicazione.org/linee-guida-del-progetto/ (in This moment there isn’t a english version but you can use google translator on the top of the page. See the flag)
Infonordest is a www.webopensource.org project. (this is my project too).